Geographigo was established in 2017 to provide up to date teaching resources based on recent events. Geographigo is produced by Dr Andrew Lee (Chartered Geographer). He has taught geography from junior school to university on three continents. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator, a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in London, a member of the Geography Teacher's Association in NSW, Australia, and a Chartered Geographer. He holds a doctorate in social geography from the University of Oxford and an undergraduate geography degree from the University of Sydney. He has conducted training and lectured in geography education in the UK, throughout Asia and in Australia.

High quality topical resources are hard to come by, and here they are. Some are produced free, and others carry a small fee. A teacher or an institution, depending on who has ultimately paid for the product has the right to keep and print out materials for their pupils. Geographigo is a responsive company, if there is any error or difficulty, please email us and we will endeavour to fix problems quickly and to provide you with an update.

Geographigo offers downloadable resources from this website, a monthly newsletter, and professional development training in geography education and geographical education consultancy services. The website is also used as a portal to other work being conducted by Dr Lee, including research into bereavement. 
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